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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  April 15, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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focus right now. >> reporter: [ inaudible question ] >> at this point our focus is in the area that the governor mentioned. >> reporter: [ inaudible question ] >> we are actually working with the families right now, setting up a location near here that families can come to if they have questions. the mayor's office fielded many calls of concern. we are going through those right now. >> reporter: [ inaudible question ] complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m.
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an acts of terror rips threw the boston marathon and has americans on high alert. i am julie haener. >> and i am frank somerville. >> a press conference wrapped up in boston with new information and the headline is a third person died, 130 injured. we are now in our 6th hour of continuing coverage. we are speaking to residents impacted by this tragedy. we begin with ktvu's eric rasmussen who is in the news room, covering the bombings since shortly after noon about an explosion near the boston marathon. >> reporter: you want to talk headlines, another one is the fbi has now taken over the lead in this investigation. there are reports from emergency rooms in boston tonight that doctors have
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pulled ball bearings from some of the victims and tonight we have video showing a photographer's view standing right there at the finish line. seconds later there was a second blast. thousands of people crowded into that area near the finish line on boylston street. that was before 3:00 p.m. boston time this afternoon. we have learned an 8-year-old boy is one of the three confirmed dead. children's hospital reported treating four other children injured. several news agencies were reporting a person of interest being questioned at a hospital but in that news conference authorities have denied they have a person of interest that they were questions and in that
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news conference we got to hear from an fbi special agent in charge. >> this will be a federal, state and local effort, it will be an ongoing investigation. it is a criminal investigation that is -- has the potential -- is a potential terrorist investigation. >> reporter: again to reteat pete the fbi is taking over -- to repeat the fbi is taking over the lead in this investigation. they go through each piece of possible evidence. we have information the atf is also involved looking for the explosive devices to learn more. police are receiving a number of tips but will not elaborate. if we have updates on the investigation we will bring them to you in the next 30 minutes. live, eric rasmussen, ktvu channel 2 news. >> there are hundreds of runners in boston for the
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marathon. ktvu's noelle walker is live where many runners are waiting for word that their friends are okay. >> reporter: a lot of those people trained on trails like these. i talked to a friend of mine who ran a boston marathon today, he said he is okay. he crossed the finish line and was back to where he was staying when he heard the explosion. an hour ago i spoke with a runner who told me she was in the vicinity at the time, she said a lot of people had no clue what was going on because it was a party atmosphere, she said there was a lot of confusion. >> do you need help? >> reporter: he is used to helping runners prepare for a big race but today there was nothing he could do to help. >> all circuits busy.
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>> reporter: his partner ran the boston marathon today. >> got a phone call saying is chris all right. what happened. >> president obama in the press room. >> reporter: his stomach dropped. >> when i saw it on the news, wow! i knew she just finished. >> reporter: she finished second in her division a half hour before the explosion. it took 20 minutes to get word. >> said she was in that area 5 minutes before it happened. >> reporter: they are glued to facebook. first post is i am okay. >> reporter: they are checking in from boston letting friends know they are okay. there were some tense moments. >> bottom falls out of your stomach. the only thing we could think of doing is think about who we had there had and what we could
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do to find out they were safe. >> they believe all are okay and hope future marathons will be too. >> the accomplishment is really too great. >> reporter: i ran a marathon before, the finish line should be about the elation of crossing the finish line. not this. reporting live, noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. >> ktvu's patty lee is in boston. she is on the phone now. where were you when this happened and what did you see and hear? >> i was about 2 blocks away from the finish line. we were there to cheer on a friend of ours who finished the marathon. we agreed to meet in front of a
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different hotel. we heard the first blast. we said what was that, did you hear that and then we heard the second boom. this is a noisy event. there are tens of thousands of people. >> you weren't sure maybe it was a firework, by the second blast there was no mistaking that this was unlikely to be a positive thing and we were there with three young children between the ages of 4-9 and decided that even though we didn't know what happened it would be best to leave the area. so we did just that. >> can you talk about what boston is like tonight?
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>> boston is on lock down. as you heard they knowed down a lot -- closed down a lot of streets. it is patriots day. there should be a baseball game going on, should be so many people out enjoying the evening, the accomplishment of the marathon and instead the streets are deserted. taking a huge toll on the city, which always looked forward to this day. >> have you heard about any special gathering, vigils, a public vigil following what happened there today? >> reporter: i haven't heard yet. right now people have been asked to go to their homes and
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stay off the streets so i will keep an ear out for that especially among the running groups who spent ea lot of time try -- a lot of time trying to locate each other. i will get back to you on that. >> i here the sirens -- i hear the sirens, is that anything related to what happened? >> reporter: you know, that is anybody's guess. everybody police department, all of the emergency groups out here in this area, boston or suburbs are on alert. >> one last question, after this happened, do you remember what your first thought was? was there panic after it happened? when did things settle down and order resumed? >> reporter: that is interesting. there was a good 5 minutes of
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lag time before i would say the larger crowd just outside of the finish line. people in that area knew incidentally but it took time for the runners who were running the other way from the blast. it took several minutes for that information to trickle out. you are paralyzed with should i stay here and assume everything is okay or do you assume the worse and get out of there. the panic didn't take place for a good 5-10 minutes after. >> we are glad that you are safe and we will see you when
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you return. patti lee on the phone from boston. thank you. google launched person finder to help friends and family communicate with loved ones in boston today. to get there go to the link on san francisco is no stranger to marathons or big events so what happened today has leaders here watching with concern. ktvu's david stevenson is live in san francisco where the mayor tried to assure the public the city is ready tohandle any sit -- to handle any situation. >> reporter: more police presence tonight and tomorrow. and a bart spokeswoman said the system is in a state of elevated awareness and bart police visible to the public. the golden gate bridge authority is always at a high
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level of alert. and a number of san francisco police are staying on through the commute or will come on early tomorrow morning. late today mayor ed lee and the police chief said they are ends can about the city's up-- they are concerned about the city's upcoming events. >> if anybody sees anyone or anything that you think is out of the ordinary please call 911 or notify the nearest police officer. >> he expects more than the usual number of calls on suspicious packages so he is asking for patience because it might mean or streets are shut down as officers investigate unusual items. reporting live in san
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francisco, david stevenson. >> our coverage continues throughout the next hour, we will have the latest information as it comes in. and in 7 minutes we will hear how president obama created to today's bombing. at 6:30 p.m. how security is being impacted in the bay area. we will be right back. [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ]
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[ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ]
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first reaction was is my wife okay, 4 months pregnant, she is in boston right now for work as part of marketing at the boston marathon. >> i wanted to run and i am so grateful i can be out here and my heart goes out to everybody. >> people in the bay area are reacting tonight to the tragedy
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in boston. that includes bay area runners who took part in the boston marathon. local organizations say they are trying to get in touch with members who took part in the race who make sure they are okay. president obama vowed to bring whoever is responsible to justice and said he and the country stand united with the country. >> they have every single resource necessary to care for the victims and counsel the families and i made clear all american ezstand with the people -- americans stand with the people of boston. >> the facts are still being sorted out. this is being treated as a potential terrorist attack. >> i would ask the house take a moment to recognize the loss of life in boston as the tragedy
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continues to unfold. california calling for a moment of silence on the house of representatives. the senate also observed a moment of silence. and we have created a facebook badge of honor to -- badge to honor the tragedy in boston. share it on your wall. new at 6:00 p.m., investigators recommended chevron and regulators make changes as a direct result of the explosion and fire 8 months ago. ktvu's health and science editor john fowler is here now with lawmakers promises to get tougher on big oil. >> the pipe that burst was
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half the thickness of the dime. the report claims chevron for over looking the problems and blame regulators that don't require finding and fixing them. >> reporter: it exploded 8 months ago, sending 15,000 to clinics. chevron knew there was corrosion but chose not to upgrade or replace pipes. >> it is really a question of organization, safety culture and regulatory over sight. >> reporter: the anticipated federal report recommends chevron immediately improve the way it predicts failures and adopt best practices. investigators and activists point out there is no regulation. >> you could call it an accident waiting to happen, i
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call it failure. >> u.s. refining industry is looking like it is the worst and getting worse. >> reporter: investigators urge the city of richmond and contra costa county to amend ether rules to require safer systems. >> don't manage risk, prevent the risk and that is what we want to do with the amendments. >> reporter: chevron said the company is already changing its programs that is committed to effective regulation. today report is interim document. reporting live, health and science editor john fowler, ktvu channel 2 news. posted a link to that report on the fire, you can read it for yourself, look under hot topics. a state tax hit a road block today. the bill would have created a
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tax of 5 cents. but the committee put the bill on hold so it could be studied further. he says he is still hopeful the bill can make it to the floor. >> the estimate we got from the board is my bill, if it becomes law would raise $50 million a year. >> he said he crafted the bill in response to the shooting in newtown, connecticut. windy out there, wind advisory till 9:00 p.m. tonight. gusty along the coast and bay. the wind advisory for the bay sections and hilly sections. wind gusts today. 55 miles per hour in san francisco. that is significant. 40 in point reyes. and berkeley 32. here is the deal, with the
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blowing sand on the great highway i wouldn't be surprised if it gets shut down. great highway, if you travel that route, kind of be prepared for changes. the system that is over us now is moving through, it is cold. or cooler. producing showers around davis area and north, and up here on 50 and 80 for a while. as the system moves off this way it deposits cold air and winds die down and it will get chilly. current wind gusts. that is 40 miles per hour right now at the san francisco airport right here. that is a lot of wind. you may see slight flight delays. they are used to that wind. still check your carrier. it is kicking up the pollens and tree pollens are trending
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high. weed grasses are in there but it will be worse tomorrow. when i come back, the complete forecast for your neighborhood, high temperatures and when things warm up around here. back here in a few minutes. grieving parents break their silence about the sexual assault that drove their girl to suicide. >> miss her every day. >> the blame they are placing tonight and why they are on the defensive about the allegations against the three teens under arrest. look at them kids. [ sigh ]
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show.
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show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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the deadline to file tax returns is hours away and even though many file electronically, there are still a lot of people who spent a portion of today trying to get to the post office. new tonight at six p.m., ktvu's jade hernandez spent the day with some some people who feel taxes are overwhelming. >> reporter: gusty winds were barely noticed here in san francisco, wasn't so long ago when two dozen post offices opened late, tonight only 5. 80% file online but --
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>> people will be rushing in at the last minute before midnight. >> reporter: why? >> procrastination. to be honest. overwhelming. >> some want to have extra money now. >> people get their taxes back and they spend that money real fast. last minute thing, i like that because i will have extra. >> reporter: at the h&r block office, he hopes to take the place of a no show appointment. >> last day. >> reporter: here she is squeaking in under the deadline. at the post office, sometimes there is a reason to wait. >> most people do because normally you have to pay. >> reporter: two branches in san francisco stay open till midnight, one in san jose and oakland will stay open till 10:00 p.m. jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2
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news. coming up, our coverage of the boston marathon continues in 2 minutes. ktvu's at 6:00 p.m. will have the -- ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m. will have the late and say show you how the bay area is reacting.
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